Selected works, 2004–present
Game Night. Lewis&Guy, Live @ Xcues Lounge and Cafe, 2024
Dancers on the Shore, single-channel video, 2024
CRUSH, video/audio Loop, 2020
Most of my work is influenced by the everyday–a continuous search for narratives and processes that either link or contradict each other. Cultural theorist artist Noel Arnaud declared, "I am the space where I am". His concept became the scaffold for my art practice. In 2008 I moved to China (returning to Canada in 2021). My fourteen years in China profoundly influenced and inspired what I create; I often ask myself "how can I maintain the spirit of being a constant traveler"?
Not as cultural voyeur, but intentionally lost in an artistic process of revering and observing contexts. And always in modes of quiet interaction. No matter where or what medium, my work is reflexive to my environment. I enjoy learning new materials and consider that part of my practice; sculpture, video, photography, audio, drawings and paintings are a regular part of my practice.
Pop Bottle Smart Car, ADD Gallery, Beijing 2010
The Bride Stripped Bear, installation, digital photo on dibond, Yuan Gallery, 2020
Splittings , digital print on aluminium , 40"x60", 2020
Still in the Game, digital photo, 28"x36" 2018
I'm consistently entertain myself and work to find new ways and mediums to express and entertain myself in as many mediums as I need to. This includes making art with recycling, casting aluminium and learning new software. Experimental music allows my restlessness to open-up — what I call "3rd Practice Projects" became a strategic approach to synthesizing museum curating practices and my art practice.